I've spent a lot of time this week reflecting on all the decisions I made in life and how I got to where I'm at today. It seems that I've made so many wrong decisions that I should learn to do the opposite of what my instinct tells me.
I've also spent much time worrying about my country. How did we sink to such an incredible low? I know we've gotten through horrible times in the past, such as the Civil War and the Great Depression. Somehow I'm hoping that we will get through our current hard times.
On a couple of occasions I've heard Red Hats say that "liberalism is a mental disorder." But I now believe the opposite is true. It is the conservatives who are ignoring climate change, and nothing good can come from that. Funny, because when natural disasters occur in their communities these tough, government-stay-out-of-my-life MAGAs come crying to the government for a handout after their house is destroyed by a hurricane, wildfire, or flood. Oh silly MAGAs, didn't you hear that climate weather models have been predicting more and severe weather events since the 1990s? And all you care about is that some desperate girl, somewhere, that you don't even know, is getting an abortion?
Reality Check
Both political parties have lost it when it comes to managing our government. The federal debt just hit $22 trillion a few weeks ago. We are absolutely screwed because there is no way we can pay this debt off. The Republicans want to cut taxes and beef up the military while the Democrats want Medicare for All and free college. Both parties want to fix our crumbling infrastructure. George W.'s two wars and Obama's bailout and stimulus package have already put us way under water. Our only hope is to rev the economy to produce more tax revenue, but that requires government investment, and then either more debt or more taxes, which strangles the dying beast as it tries to get its last breaths.
Oh, Did I Miss Something?
We see all the social stress taking place in our country and our response is to do nothing. Most of the problems can be traced to our rapid population growth, massive human migration, and capitalism's tendency to move money to the top, creating massive wealth disparity. I'm enjoying all the propaganda videos and memes that people are posting on social media that aim to reinforce the notion that socialism is evil. A small group of socialist-leaning representatives have just joined congress and all the rich people are pooping in their pants because they don't want anyone getting their stuff. "Look at Venezuela," they say. Well, I agree that socialism is another untenable economic system, but turning America into a two-class nation, controlled by billionaires, isn't good either. So, STOP telling me about the evils of socialism because the evils of capitalism are FAR WORSE.
Oh, and where did I leave off? We are facing stagnant wages, massive underemployment, and loss of jobs through automation. There are "dollar stores" popping up around the country and they are selling us low quality garbage made in China. Our jobs went to China and now we are so broke we can only afford the cheap crap produced by their factories. If the bottoms of your shoes fall out after a month don't complain to me because this is capitalism, the system that you love and support every time you vote for a Republican.
Did I mention social issues? Most Americans live pumped up on opioids, antidepressants, alcohol, narcotics, or all of the above. Aren't we suppose to be happy? No one seems happy, not even the rich people. What is wrong? Instead we have a high suicide rate, poverty, homelessness, and mass shootings are so common we hardly notice when they make the news.
Should I even mention the super-touchy issue of obesity? I try to be sensitive because some people have thyroid issues, but for the majority of people the problem is lifestyle. And I can really see the source of the problem when I walk into a grocery store — all the garbage is kept at the front and your cart is loaded up with donuts and jellybeans before you can even get to the produce section. And if you do get to produce you get to enjoy food covered in a delightful variety of herbicides and pesticides, and it might even be genetically modified, or perhaps zapped with radiation. Enjoy your breakfast, America. I live near a small rural town called Hiram, Georgia. I will sometimes count the overweight people I see in the stores and it's near 50 percent. What's wrong with us? In addition to being drugged out and poor, do we have to be fat too?
I do believe there is a correlation between the national debt and personal debt. Instead of putting the tax money we collect back into the economy, much of it goes overseas in the form of interest on debt. This exporting of money overseas means less opportunity for Jane and Johnny. So many people are up to their eyeballs in credit card debt, medical debt, and student loans.
Crime is out the roof and our prisons are full, and those in prison must endure rape and other forms of abuse.
Gender tensions are high and racial tensions are high. There seems to be no end to the debates, lawsuits, and fighting and clawing over equity issues. What one party sees as "equality" is viewed by the other person as "an unfair advantage." I believe that race issues will continue until our species is extinct.
Most troubling of all is our abhorrent and unresponsive Congress, which is controlled by corporate interests. No longer does the average citizen have a voice, and there is no one in Washington to care. Our country is approaching the point to where we are being run by corporate oligarchs. Meanwhile, our military is bombing 7 different countries, we are meddling in the affairs of many nations, and supporting dictators. Big Business and the wealthy are enjoying huge tax loopholes while the typical American lives paycheck to paycheck, if he or she is lucky enough to have a job.
I'm living this bad dream. I'm right in the middle of it. I'm strung out with debt, alimony payments, and trying to survive after losing my great job of 26 years. If you are wealthy and successful, please don't lecture me about the evils of socialism. Don't worry, I'm not going to steal your shit. And don't tell me how wonderful unregulated assault weapons are because I don't want your gun. And then don't tell me what a cold individual I am because I don't believe women should be forced to keep their unwanted babies, just so you can feel righteous and so that you can find at least one reason to support Donald Trump.
My Friend Daryll
Photo: Almos Bechtold
As an aside, my best friend in high school died a few weeks ago. Shown in the picture is Daryll and me in front of his father's grave. His father had a defective heart and died early, and Daryll died from the exact same thing. The point being is that life dealt Daryll a bad hand of cards, while all the rich, healthy, and happy people seem to have been dealt a good hand. Life ISN'T FAIR at all. I look at my own situation and see that I'm still better off then many others, and yet so many people are better off than me. At this point I can make a meandering speech about how happiness should come from within, but I'm not going to do that. I'll only say that Daryll was a good, loyal friend and had a heart of gold. Everyone who knew him liked him, well, except for the guy he tossed over the balcony. But I will say again that LIFE ISN'T FAIR, so, again, don't fucking lecture me about socialism.
The Solution
Oh yeah, I once said there is no point in blogging unless I can come up with a point. The point of my rant is the biggest lesson I learned — don't put things off just because they are uncomfortable. In the area of jobs, relationships, finances, and health, address the problems and tasks that you have head on. Secondly, don't put crap into your body whether it be junk food or drugs. The purpose of this crap is to make you feel good at the expense of the long-term. Your body is your temple and you only get to have it once — keep things clean inside. And exercise even when you don't want to.
In the areas of spending, migration, climate change, gun control, etc.. I see where our Congress has gotten us into a mess because they either don't want to deal with the problem or they'd rather stay on a comfortable path at the expense of our future. To say that Congress doesn't do anything because of partisan gridlock is a stupid excuse. If this body of representatives really wanted to do something for the good of the people, they could.
In my own life I put things off related to relationships and tax matters. This tactic only makes the problems worse. I am doing better with health and I make myself stay caught up on all my routine medical appointments. Most people don't like annual physicals because they don't like being poked and prodded and are afraid of possible bad news. But it's much better to face the bad news head on and early, rather than being an Ostrich.
Come on America, we can do better, both on a personal and national level. I have learned my hard lessons and am trying to survive and do better, and I can only hope that the U.S. Congress learns and does the same.