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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Moving Trees

Life reminds me of the elevator on the starship Enterprise. As the elevator sped up you could see the lights of each floor out a window zooming by faster and faster. As I get older the days speed by and so do the months and years. My deep-thinking, pondering brain is destined to become ashes. So that's why I have this desire to "download" as much as I can into my blogs.

At age 7 my teacher called me the Absent-Minded Professor because I was always daydreaming and distracted. I was fascinated with outer space and spaceships, and mentally I was far away.

In my 30s I began to see the shortcomings of Christianity and I became obsessed with saving the world, so I joined the Sierra Club. I served on numerous committees and task forces and held various positions, and received 10 awards for my service.

By age 44, after 7 years of working 20 hours a week as a volunteer, I began feeling the burn. There are progressive people who want to move things forward and there are conservative people, who guard the status quo. I thought people would appeal to logic, but they do not. So, in 2004 I started blogging with one central theme — how do you change human thinking in a way that will stop the death of the Earth. I have written over 400 blog posts on this topic. 

Lately, it has occurred to me that humans are like trees, and, like roots, much of their value system and world view is buried beneath the ground. How do you make people environmentally and socially conscious? It's like moving a tree, and that's hard to do because of the root system.

When I began blogging 16 years ago I had a regular following of engaged readers and their thoughtful feedback helped me to move forward in my intellectual journey. But these days, few people read anymore and even fewer people read blogs. So, I now write with the hope that some future generation will benefit from my thoughts.

I have a desire to do some good with the remaining years of my life. But I fumble around and wander aimlessly because I'm not sure what I CAN do to make a difference. 

When my last day comes I won't have a headstone and there won't even be an urn. My ashes are going straight to the dipsy dumpster, which is fitting since I am just as much a criminal to this Earth as everyone else. I have no money and all I have to give is love to my rescue animals, family members, and friends. 

The 4th-century theologian Jerome tells one of my favorite stories about the last days of the Apostle John. John was old and frail, so his disciples carried him to religious events, and he would simply say to the gathering, "Little children, love one another."

But then I have read in social media this past week where Christians are saying they can't "love" anyone who voted for Biden and Harris because they "support abortion."


Hurricane Zeta recently passed over my home, leaving much of my county in the dark.  On the night after the hurricane, I was driving on back roads and I was amazed at how pitch dark it was — no streetlights, traffic signals, or anything. At first, I thought it was creepy, but then I thought, "Why am I afraid of the dark?" There's really nothing to be afraid of. It's not like in those prehistoric days before fire was invented, where predators would pluck you in your sleep and drag you into the forever darkness. Now we've wiped out most of the large land predators and can sleep safe and sound. So, what was I afraid of? Was it my millions of years of evolution talking to me?

I'm amazed at how fear drives human behavior. The fear of death became the inspiration for religion, and symbols that showed a belief in the afterlife began showing up at burial sites 40,000 years ago. Christianity really wasn't a new religion but rather a collection of ideas that began evolving in caveman days. It seems we don't like the idea of not existing, so we started coming up with stories, and the Egyptians and other Middle Eastern cultures created elaborate mythology about life after death. In fact, in Ancient Egypt, much of life was spent preparing for death.

Much of the political divide I see in America today boils down to fear. For instance, everyone wants to take your guns away. First, it was Obama, then Hillary, and now Biden. Maybe all three will just appear at your door at once. Then there's the fear of the riots, and news agencies and social media sensationalize them to the point where we believe the entire nation is going down in flames. We keep our doors locked and our blinds down, even in the day. Stalkers and boogeymen are everywhere.

My advice is to not let yourself be manipulated by fear. If we as a people can learn to sort through our irrational fears we can better learn to understand one another and find ways to work cooperatively to solve common problems. For instance, I commend President Trump on the work he did on criminal justice reform, which received support from Democrats as well. That was a great example of how both political sides could work together to solve a problem, and it gave me HOPE!

But when it comes to a women's right to choose or protecting the environment or providing a decent life for the average American, Republicans and Democrats are sharply divided and heels dig in.

Two Camps

So, the Christian evangelicals see us progressives as immoral for being pro-choice, and we libtards see evangelicals as hypocritical for supporting a president with a long history of wife-cheating and immorality and playing golf on Sundays instead of attending church. I personally see Trump as a sycophant who cynically uses Christians for their votes. Waving a Bible upside down and not being able to recite a single Bible verse is a little hypocritical to me. But then, the religious right tells me how God used King Cyrus to do great things. Impressively, God only needed Trump in the White House for four years — I guess his work is done.

I did come across a social media post by Kristen Heitzmann, an award-winning author. Since she's definitely a "public figure," I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to reprint it:
"I have thousands of Facebook friends I don't know. They have requested my friendship and I have accepted. When I see today that some are rejoicing in the face of enormous fraud that is destroying our election process, the potential of a presidency held by abortion and infanticide advocates who intend to subjugate America to the New World Order, I realize there is nothing in me that will receive grace or impart grace by continuing that relationship. I care nothing for the number of friends and everything for walking justly before God."
I have found her post troubling and it's stayed in my mind this past week. For one thing, no significant fraud has been found in any state, after a week of examinations. But I know we have to listen to how the election was "stolen" for the next four years. Secondly, she is suggesting that her God will view her more favorably if she tells all the Biden voters to screw off. This sanctimonious, self-righteous, and judgmental attitude is typical of the religious extremists I've run into. Marilyn Manson wrote a song about how people "can't see the forest for the trees," and "can't smell your own shit on your knees." I think about those lines all the time.

To address Ms. Heitzmann's comment about "infanticide," that's when a baby is murdered within a year of birth. No one supports that, so I guess she is using the term incorrectly to make abortion sound more horrible. The fact is that Jesus never mentioned abortion, but he did mention many other things that I do not see Christian evangelicals following. Secondly, sex education, access to contraception, and Plan B could greatly reduce abortions, but these initiatives are strongly resisted by Christian groups.

And as for the "New World Order," I see this buzzword used when "socialism" loses its shock factor. I'm guessing she means that President Biden will move us into alliances with other nations that will take away our individual rights. My belief is to the contrary — we need worldwide cooperation more than ever to address common challenges like climate change, rainforests protection, disease, and extreme poverty. I embrace a New World Order because the Old World Order sucks, and only benefits the super rich.

Are Humans Flawed?

This is a debate I've had with my environmental colleagues for 14 years, and it fits in nicely with Christian dogma. As a child, I was told that I was a bad kid because I had a "sinful nature," and I needed to ask Jesus to forgive me. So, at age 8, I asked Jesus to come into my heart. My interpretation of that belief has since changed. Humans are not flawed at all, but rather we are a by-product of the Big Bang and 13.7 years of organic and inorganic evolution. We are just one of millions of animal species and we eat, drink, poop, pee, and screw just like any other mammal. We are animals and our selfishness is part of natural human behavior, going back 2 million years ago to the African Savanna, where we needed to horde to survive. What Jesus is saying to me is that we are given a consciousness and as a species, we are unique in that we can override our animalism and live as an enlightened species. Jesus gave us an example to live by. So, are American Christians following that example? Yes, on the liberal left but "NO" when I see all the gay-bashing, Muslim-bashing, immigrant-bashing, green-bashing, prosperity gospel, and gun-worship. The level of hypocrisy is sickening and is leading to our global destruction.

I do understand that humans are trees and our root systems are influenced by our upbringing, our community, and millions of years of evolution. Trees cannot be moved without the risk of harming the roots. But if we don't try to move the trees we are heading to a dark future of extreme climate change, fouled oceans, and poisoned soil and air. Aside from wiping out millions of other creatures, ignoring our own problems is securing our own doom. 

If anything, maybe I can plant a few seeds of thought during my final years on Earth. I want my fellow countrymen to see the difference between "Christianity" and "Christian Nationalism," which is what's really being worshipped now. If socialism is evil, I would say that capitalism is far more evil because it has put the majority of the world's wealth into the hands of a few multi-billionaires. If you think that is "right" and "Christian," perhaps you should think again. 

Top Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash
Bottom Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Endgame II

I stopped blogging for a while in June because at the time I really wondered if humanity was going to make it. I still don't know the answer, but somehow we humans continue to slog forward. From the moment of the Big Bang we've been put on a path, governed by physics, and I'm not sure where it's going or how it will end.

During my last ramblings over the summer, I talked about how the pandemic will be a test for us. Somehow, despite all the denial, anti-maskers, hoax claims, and conspiracy theories, we seem to be surviving, for now.

What I learned from the virus is that it has evolved right along with our cells, going back millions of years. Learning how to exist by hijacking cells was an amazing feat, and as long as life has existed we've had to deal with viruses. They plague many living things, and we somehow all just learn to live with them.

So, why is the virus here? It just is, and we are here because we just are. This makes it harder for me to believe in God because everything appears happenstance.


Every day I still wonder if humanity even needs to be here. When I hike I find junk and trash in the farthest corners of the forest. Our oceans are full of plastic. Our soil has wastes from a thousand different chemicals. And the air we breathe is just as bad. We are just one of 8.7 million species on this planet. We have no more right to be here or more rights than any other species. Yet, we pillage and destroy, and kill and harm our fellow lifeforms every fucking day. What gives us the right?

When I started blogging in 2004 I wanted humans to survive so that we could colonize the Universe, but then I realized we'd be screwing up other planets too. Then I thought we should survive so that we could be the caretakers of the planet. Now, I'm thinking we do more harm than good.

While the science is solid, I still have to hear people question climate change. What these people are doing is simply denying science, often because it conflicts with the religious dogma that was drilled into them as children.

Being Alive

If I may say, just being alive is freaking weird. We are given consciousness, which no one can really explain, and we are expected to DO SOMETHING WITH IT. We keep making babies and growing the population as if everything is okay. Trump supporters boast about GNP and the stock market to show the success of "their guy," but all that means to me is that the rich are getting richer. And when the president removes environmental and labor protections to rev up the economy and Wall Street, all he's doing is making himself look good now at the expense of our future.

No matter how elaborate our religious stories are, we are still organic animals who must fight against cancer, viruses, bacteria, and, most importantly, each other. I suppose our end goal is to find happiness, horde junk, or find some inner contentment from reading the Holy Bible or an Eckhart Tolle book or the latest copy of Mad Magazine.

Every breath we take and every moment we are alive is special. Albert Einstein got the math right, and we know that time is a component of matter. Yet, we live and die, and our cells break down the moment the oxygen stops.

I recently watched a documentary where soldiers from five different wars talked about killing people. A few of them lamented on the fact that once they killed a person it was sobering to see just how dead they were — lively, happy men, with families and girlfriends, and maybe wives and kids, were suddenly a heap of deteriorating cells.

So, in this solemn reality, we all grasp for meaning in a world where there is none. I made the mistake of watching too many of Neil deGrasse Tyson's shows and videos. Neil doesn't like being called an atheist or a member of the "atheist community." He is just an astrophysicist, and I am just a curious learner, and what I learned is that there is simply no work for God to do — the universe runs by itself. But I desperately try to reconcile my childhood religious beliefs with my knowledge of science and, well, maybe God is the universe itself, and maybe EVERYTHING has a consciousness, and maybe EVERYTHING is alive and stays alive, in a weird sort of way.

I've also followed the work of Francesca Stavrakopoulou, the famous British biblical scholar, and she convinced me that Jesus really lived, although little else in the Bible is true. I now see Jesus as an evolutionary "marker" along with Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandella, and Martin Luther King Jr. What I mean is that these men were evolutionary social mutations that gave us humans examples and ideas that have kept us from exterminating ourselves. The teachings of Jesus Christ were hundreds of years ahead of their time, which leads me to believe He was truly someone special. An alien, maybe? Or an incredible thinker who saw how humans should really live to survive?

What I see in America is Christian Nationalism, which has nothing to do with Christianity. It's just like the National Socialism in Germany (Nazism) had nothing to do with socialism. Jesus never mentioned abortion, yet evangelicals make that their sole issue, along with gay-bashing, and ignore all the other teachings of Christ. In fact, to really follow the example set by Christ would make you a liberal and if you follow the teachings in the book of Acts, you'd be a communist.

So, I try to follow the example of Christ, and I love him for his humility. If people follow a leader just because he's "pro-life," but morally abhorrent in every other way, well, I think you are being played for a sucker. The real Christians in this world are author John Pavlovitz and Jimmy Carter. If we follow their examples we might have a chance.

Out of Place

All my life I've felt out of place. I'm the classical square peg trying to fit in a round hole. No one gets me. And, if I may give one message to everyone, I will say that we need to start thinking about some sort of new way of living where we can all have a warm shelter and enough to eat and that we can live in a way that doesn't harm the earth or wildlife. THAT'S ALL I ASK. Instead of following this logical path we get caught up in Trump's Tweets, misleading memes on Facebook, fear-mongering, and endless conspiracy theories. When a group of nutbags flew jets into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, we got distracted from the serious environmental threats and became obsessed with social threats. But what are the root causes of terrorism? Is it all about feeding families? It is all about making your diety happy? 

The irony of Christ and Christianity is that by the 1500s Catholics and Protestants were torturing each other, and by the 1600s massive land battles were being waged in the name of God. What got missed here? What are we still missing?


Derrick Jensen, the author of Endgame, was one of the key people who helped me awaken in my early 40s. He still does short video clips that feed me. Maggie Sargent is a YouTube creator who gave me comfort in knowing that there are at least a few of us who dare to question and challenge our culture.

In summary, I don't know what to say. This year has brought humanity real challenges, primarily a global pandemic and a deranged president. Our reactions to both these challenges were poor, but in the end, we pulled out of the fog of craziness.

I think our species will find a way to survive, but then what? Are we going to get a grip on our 500 years of degrading the earth's atmosphere? Are we going to clean our oceans? Are we going to learn to live together? Can we get the poorest among us a meal and a warm place to sleep at night, or do we have to keep cowering to the all-consuming capitalists, who mutter "pro-life" to get the evangelical vote, and then continue their exploitation of the earth and cheap labor? 

The Fly

Just look at that little animal. He's a fantastic and efficient organism, brought to you 66 million years ago from the Middle East. One landed on Mike Pence's head to try to tell him that science is real, and religion is not, and that climate change is really, really real. But Mike didn't listen. Maybe Indiana will take him back, but I hope not.

Photo by Gabriel Manlake on Unsplash